The Perkins Administrator Cohort (PAC) is comprised of postsecondary CTE individuals from the Illinois community college system. It is designed to update and inform such individuals and to build awareness and understanding of the processes necessary to navigate the system. The cohort structure utilizes a networking resource to disseminate information, share resources, and provide details on opportunities for professional development.

Spring FY24 Perkins Administrator Cohort Meeting

Spring FY24 PAC Slide Deck
Overview of Perkins V Measures and Performance
ICSPS Spring PD Flyer

Fall FY24 Perkins Administrator Cohort Meeting

Meeting Powerpoint Presentations:

FY24 Fall PAC Meeting
ACTE POS Framework: Self-Evaluation Instrument
Perkins V EFE and PAC Session

Spring FY23 Perkins Administrator Cohort Meeting

Amplifund Walkthrough for Perkins


Full FY2023 Spring Perkins Administrator Cohort Meeting

Meeting Powerpoint Presentations:

Handouts and Resources:

Fall FY22 Perkins Administrator Cohort Meeting Resources:

Previouse PAC Resources

2019 CLNA Walk-through